Monday, July 30, 2012

Life Is...

Many things. Life, love, stress and set backs. Push on. Don't stop. Never quit. Everyone quits. You don't. You get what you get because you deserve it. You earn it. Work for it. It's not free. Nobody will give it to you. Take it. If you deserve it, take it. Don't steal. Be upfront about it. It's yours. It's mine. For my kids. For my wife. I want it. I'll have it. Bottom line. No need for explanation. Let's toast to what we need and what we want. Let's cheers for all our kids and our family and all the beautiful things and blessings life's given us. Here here. Raise your glasses.

-- Christopher Lane 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Silence Is Underrated

By now we've all heard the saying, "Less is more" about seventeen-thousand times. So why can't more people apply this wonderful adage in their everyday life when it comes to speaking and having conversations. I don't need to hear about your issues. I don't care that you haven't been feeling well. The fact that you have allergies doesn't concern me in the least. We all have issues in our lives. I have a wife and two young boys at home and a full time job that can at times be pretty hectic and stressful and most of all, tiring. But you don't see me running around looking for sympathy from anyone, and you never will. That's what therapists are for. Or understanding wives I suppose. But I mean, life is tough. It's hard work. Being good at your job on a day to day basis takes a lot of discipline. It takes mental toughness, and depending on your job it can take a lot of physical toughness as well. Being a husband is no different. Being a parent is even tougher. Well, let me rephrase that: Being a good parent is tougher. Anyone can be a father. Anyone can be a mother. Being a good parent is a whole different ballgame though.

But I digress. Suffice it to say I'm not a fan of small talk either. I'll let you know right now I don't give a damn about the weather. I don't give a shit if it hails tomorrow. {It'd be pretty cool to get hail in San Diego in the middle of July though, I have to be honest.} But I have no control over the climate whatsoever, so if all you have to talk to me about is how surprisingly overcast it is tomorrow please do us both a favor and don't even open your mouth. Silence is underrated. Exercise your right to shut the fuck up.

-- Christopher 'Sea of Tranquility' Johnson

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ice Cube In The Summer Time For Your Cold Glass Of Lemonade

The hot summer weather always inspires me to compile some crazy mixes for the car or to bring to a BBQ or for whatever the hell else I like doing while listening to some of the all time classics. And this can range from soul to classic rock to blues or jazz or even country... kidding about the country of course. Fuck that shit. Unless it's Johnny Cash. But that's a cliched statement so you'll have to forgive me.

Either way, this Ice Cube song has to be on your radar. Maybe if I stop feeling so damn tired and lazy after work and dealing with the kids I'll post up a link to one of my summer mixes for all to enjoy.

Until then, just ride out to the beat...

-- Hobo Junction