Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Don't Ever Hit A Woman. Ever.

Larger version here: Roger Huerta in Bloody Street Fight! -- Caught on Tape -- Ex-UFC Fighter

Roger Huerta, former UFC and now Bellator fighter, creates his own form of justice on a fucking idiot that decides to cold cock a woman for no apparent reason. The fact is, there is no reason to hit a woman no matter how big or small you are. It certainly isn't okay to hit a woman when you're a 6'5" drunk scumlord. Huerta is half this guy's size, but it just goes to show that size don't mean shit when you're not a trained fighter. Good on you, Roger Huerta. Good on you. I'd love to shake your hand if I see you one day.

-- Christopher Lane Johnson

P.S. the guy working the iphone/video camera is a moron. Is it possible to get worse footage? Wow. Still worth a viewing.

Monday, January 30, 2012

A Miracle On 34th Street: San Diego Style

Click here for a much larger video than the one shown above on this blog: Crack Head Dance Party

A Miracle On 34th Street: My good buddy and war veteran Pablo Cong recorded this amazing footage of what looks to be DMX's dad, or possibly DMX himself, just feet away from Pablo's mom's crib on 34th Street in San Diego. When keeping it real goes... right.


-- Christopher Lane Johnson

Oh, and let's all take the time to thank not only Pablo Cong, but all of the U.S. Soldiers that fight for our country on a daily basis. Those are the true heroes. Those are the people that deserve our recognition. Pablo's seen many friends die in front of him. He's been very close to death on countless occasions. Not for himself, mind you. For us. For all of our countrymen. Thanks, Pab. Love you, bud.

Friday, January 27, 2012

A Glimpse Into The Full Space Of My Brother's Mind

At last. The morning of night has come. All can see the yellow moon reflect off the full white sun. It's quiet, yet people cover their ears to block out the annoying silence. A feeling of relaxation and anxiety fills their heartless loving souls. It's now, never. It has started, yet not begun. Why? Why not? They run as fast as they can, a snails pace. They can all see its invisible shape. It's so small and massive. Just in time they don't escape. At last. The night of day has come.

By Randall Dane Johnson II

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Wine is for the graduating class. Beer is for the Valedictorian.

Wine isn't fancy anymore. Beer is. You snobby winos might as well wrap a brown paper bag around your Cakebread bullshit wine. Take your Duckhorn Pinot Noir and shove it where the good lord split ya, you dirt-faced lackey. You want to sophisticate yourself? Grab an Avant-Garde from Lost Abbey and raise your glass. Because if you're drinking wine... well, your ass is trash. BASURA! Slainte!

I'm going to start off by stating the fact that beer is much more tastefully complex than wine.  Wine people around the world can take this statement and just accept it because the proof is in the pudding.
Complexity of Beer Exceeds Wine
Regarding taste, beer has a much more complex flavor profile than wine.

1.) Beer has water, yeast, malt, hops, adjuncts, and in some Belgian beers a variety of spices.  Wine on the other hand has only water, grapes or fruit, and yeast.
2.) The hops that are used in brewing can not only create a bitter flavor but can also create an aroma flavor profile.  When you combine these flavors with the combination of different malts and yeast it boggles the mind.  Wine, unfortunately, doesn’t have the flavor complexity and health benefits that the hops offer.
3.) Carbonation of beer has a drastic effect on the taste.  Higher carbonation levels can add a sweetness and bite to the beer such as a Hefeweizen or there are nitrogen carbonated beers such as Guinness which add a very smooth profile.  Wines are not carbonated.
4.) Adjuncts and spices that are added to the beer such as rye, belgian candi sugar, orange peel, coriander, ginger, or flaked oats can add a multitude of flavors.  Wines also may add oak chips or other additions of spices but not to the level that is at times found in beer.
5.) A beer can have a light or heavy body and also be sweet or dry depending on the attenuation of the yeast.
6.) A beer can be fermented colder with a lager yeast (bottom fermenting) or an ale yeast (top fermenting).  There are hundreds and thousands of different yeast types to choose from.  Wine, however, is some what limited in the selection of yeast strains.
7.) Beers can be filtered, unfiltered, and be purposely cloudy with yeast in suspension.  Yeast will add flavor profiles to the beer as well as providing your daily dose of B-vitamins.
8.) Beer colors can come in whites, yellows, reds, browns, blacks.  Wines are typically found in whites and reds.
9.) Alcohol content can vary in beer from 2% all the way up to 55% (world record of 55% by BrewDog named “End of the World” as of July 23, 2010).
Beer into Wine Glass
Next time pour your beer into a wine glass...
Point being, the next time you take a sip of beer think to yourself how bland and boring it would be if you were instead drinking a glass of wine.  Perhaps you should pour your beer into a wine glass and waft before every sip because without a doubt that glass would be better suited for a sophisticated beer than it would be for an overpriced wine.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Best Band You've Never Heard Of

I've been following this band for about a decade now, and unlike 90% of other bands -- and writers and creative folk in general -- Transfer just gets better and better as the years go by. Just caught another one of their live shows at The Casbah and brought a couple friends from work who love music. They had a blast. What's not to like? Watch the video, listen to the song, then buy everything you can from their website: www.transferband.com or www.itunes.com since they're website is currently under construction.

Truly amazing stuff. It's a throwback to the days when music mattered. When it wasn't about how catchy your single was or how cool your video was on MTV, and when nobody ever asked the question, "But would it make a good ringtone?" Of course they didn't have cell phones back when music was good, but you get what I'm saying. 

What's even better? They're from San Diego just like you are. Support the local scene. But even if they were from Idaho, it wouldn't matter. This is just flat out good music. Enjoy.

And for the younger folks: Yes, it's true, MTV aka Music Television used to play actual music. I remember the days clearly. I know, I know; I'm older than dirt and gravel. 

The End Of Struggling

Will Smith is an incredible success story. He's truly an inspirational human being to me. And I don't even like his music. Summertime is a timeless song. A classic, for sure. But other than that I never liked much of his stuff. But besides his rapping and acting - who cares about that bullshit - he's just a truly motivated individual that inspires me to be better every single day. Tomorrow is a new day. Do something better. Anything. Don't do it the same way. And certainly don't do it worse. Be better. Easy, right? It's harder to struggle. To be bad sucks. It's no fun. Because once you do something the wrong way you just fucked yourself. You see, because now you have to go back and do it again. Twice the work. And now you'll complain about having to re-do what you just did. But guess what? It was your fault to begin with. Don't blame anyone. You fucked it up in the first place. They didn't. He didn't. She didn't. You did. So pull up your panties and do whatever the hell it is you do the best damn way you can. Do it now. You'll thank me. And I'll thank you. And we'll celebrate together and laugh about how we used to struggle. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Terrible Update. I Apologize.

Well, the update isn't a good one.  Our friend Eddie Jackson was murdered. Senseless murder. What murder isn't senseless? Very few, right? So sad. So pointless. Now a great man is gone. For what? I apologize if you see me and I'm angry. I can only feel for the entire Jackson family right now. I can only pray for all of them. I'll pray until I can't pray anymore. Eddie will live on through our stories. Through his stories. Through all the laughter he gave us. I never saw him without a smile on his face. And that's how I'll always see him. Right now as I close my eyes... that's how I see him.

The Super Bowl Has Been Cancelled This Year

Sorry, East Coasters. It's Over. Nothing To See Here. Move Along, Rubber Neckers. It's A Train Wreck, That's All. February 5th Of The Year 2012 Is Nothing More Than A Train Wreck. And The Mayans Predicted The World Would End This Year. Well, Football Ended This Year. The Super Bowl Stopped Being Played This Year. It Stopped Being Interesting This Year.

Hug Your Wife. Hug Your Children. Embrace For The Impact. Good Luck.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

We'll never forget you, Eddie. Never. That's my word.

Thinking about my friend who passed away yesterday. I don't know much information yet, but Eddie Jackson aka Ed Bauer is one of the funniest dudes I've ever met. He had your attention from the second he entered the room. As a youngster I always looked up to Eddie and Jimmy Jackson. They were inseparable. Jimmy, I love you bud. Call me anytime. You know we're all here for you. Always. Eddie and Jimmy were both very tight with my older brother Randy, aka RJ tka Juice Tiger Johnson. I'll never forget the times we shared. I'll never forget. None of us will. Rest in peace, my friend. I love you.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Allow Me To Get This Party Started

I accidentally deleted the original post that was here so I'll just say that some important people in my life told me to create a blog, so I did. And my wife is the main person responsible for all of this. I love you, Diannica. You're the best in the world. Best at everything. I said I'd update my blog often. I didn't lie. I'll try to write more though. We can all do better. Thank you to everyone that loves me and respects me and supports me in everything that I feel like doing. We all must believe in each other and be there when nobody else is; or even if people are there; we still need to be there. I'm not saying to be a yes man. Be a supportive person. Offer advice. If there's a hole in an idea, offer a patch. Repair it. Don't make more holes. Don't be negative. Constructive criticism is essential when dealing with construction. Creating. Making things. Build a new world. A better world.


B.C.G. that's fucking right.