Rest In Peace to Malcolm X. What happens when you're a black leader making a huge impact in the world? What happens when you do everything in your power to make this sick world a better place? The government kills you. Or a racist will. They killed Martin Luther King Jr., they killed Huey Newton, they killed Steve Biko, Medgar Evers, Marcus Foster, Harry & Harriette Moore, Fred Hampton, and the list doesn't stop there. It never does. What the fuck is wrong with this world? Sick fucks. They're the ones that need to die. They're the ones that need to be killed. Yeah, I said it. You should too. And I don't hate everyone in the government. Not all of them are bad. But enough of them are. That's a fact. Now they're gonna try to kill me. Remember that.
-- Time For A Change. A Real Change. Not An Obama Change. A Real Change. Change Your Mindset.
And I'm Not Anti-Republican. Not Anti-Democrat. I'm Anti-Everything, It's All A Load Of Crap.