Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Great, Positive Hip Hop Music Does Exist. Yes, It Does.

Kirby's seen a lot of tragedy in his lifetime, yet still he pushes on and maintains a positive outlook on life when most people would've either gone crazy or given up completely. This album is incredible. No, you can't burn it off of me. Okay, maybe some of you can. But dude, support this man. Kirby Dominant is an Oakland legend. He makes great music because he's passionate about making great music. Simple philosophy, right? Enjoy the hell out of this and go on itunes or go here: Fake Four Inc. | Artist | Paranoid Castle

Buy the album and digital version for something silly like ten bucks. Spread the word. I'm gonna post another video later. Probably once this one gets a few million hits or whatever. But seriously; Kirby deserves your money. He's a legitimately good dude that makes positive and uplifting hip hop. Very rare stuff. Always inventive, the consummate creator, The Dominator and his producer, Factor, are Paranoid Castle. If you're looking to buy the album, it's called 'Champagne Nightmares.' Have fun laughing and singing along to the album.

-- Christopher The Killer Whale Johnson

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