Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Best Band You've Never Heard Of

I've been following this band for about a decade now, and unlike 90% of other bands -- and writers and creative folk in general -- Transfer just gets better and better as the years go by. Just caught another one of their live shows at The Casbah and brought a couple friends from work who love music. They had a blast. What's not to like? Watch the video, listen to the song, then buy everything you can from their website: www.transferband.com or www.itunes.com since they're website is currently under construction.

Truly amazing stuff. It's a throwback to the days when music mattered. When it wasn't about how catchy your single was or how cool your video was on MTV, and when nobody ever asked the question, "But would it make a good ringtone?" Of course they didn't have cell phones back when music was good, but you get what I'm saying. 

What's even better? They're from San Diego just like you are. Support the local scene. But even if they were from Idaho, it wouldn't matter. This is just flat out good music. Enjoy.

And for the younger folks: Yes, it's true, MTV aka Music Television used to play actual music. I remember the days clearly. I know, I know; I'm older than dirt and gravel.