Thursday, March 22, 2012

They Tell Me I Shouldn't Be So Angry

Do you agree? Maybe I need to cheer up. It's just hard when you see so much negativity everyday. I feel the need to tell people when they're being an idiot. Maybe they don't even realize it. Or is just that they don't care? They embrace their stupidity. They console their hatred. They nurture being a shitbag like it's a precious baby boy birthed from the womb. I don't get it. I never will. So what do we do about the pedophiles? Let them do their time and get released back into the wild so that they can start scouting the playgrounds once again to molest another child? What do we do about the killers? Let them murder and then spend our hard earned tax dollars to keep them alive in prison for the rest of their lives? What do we do about the rapists? Let the system try to rehabilitate them so that they can get released and get right back to doing the same thing again? What do we do about the corrupt and backwards government, and the shady politicians, and the crooked congressman, and the dirty cops, and all the corporate greed that continues to destroy not only our economy but our wellbeing as a people every single day. Americans need work. Why are we giving it to people in other countries when we need it ourselves? We fucking need work. Do they hear us? Do they? Yes, of course they do. But they choose not to listen.

So what do we do? Do we just shrug our shoulders and walk away? Look the other direction, maybe? Something's gotta give, no? The fact is, you can't fix a sick mind. It's sick. It's tortured. It's ruined. You can't fix everything. You can't repair the damaged and morbid sickness that lives inside of these twisted human beings. They have multiple screws loose. They're done. What do we do when animals, whether wild or domesticated, flip out and bite a child? We put them down, right? Well these rapists and murderers are nothing more than sick animals. They've bitten once and they'll bite again. I hope they don't bite me. I hope they don't bite my beautiful wife. I hope they don't lay a finger on my two amazing young boys.

-- Christopher Lane Johnson

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