Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.

Because if you don't, they'll bite. And yes, he got shot by a stun gun at the end which sucks not only because he didn't start the fight but because his fall to the concrete could've killed him if he landed on his head the wrong way.

Gotta give a shout out to Danny Steinell for showing me this video today. Good stuff.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Few Slogans For Cotija Taco Shop.

Cotija: Where Street Justice Reigns Supreme.

Cotija: You Want 5 Rolled Tacos and All The Money In The Drawer? How About I Kill You Instead.

Or... Maybe a real one? Cotija: Where Burritos Are Made To Be Devoured.

Here's a little backstory so you don't think I'm a complete psychopath. Granted I am crazy. I'm aware of that. Here ya go: Police: Attempted Robbery Suspect Shot By Shop Owner - San Diego News Story - KGTV San Diego

Monday, March 26, 2012

Amazing E-40 Mix. You're Welcome.

You don't like E-40? That just means you haven't heard his good stuff yet. I'm sorry to hear that. But have no fear, the Blue Collar Gangster is here to rid you of your shitty music listening habits. Here's some tasty medicine for that ass.

Below is a link to the best E-40 mix you'll ever hear in your entire life. Don't thank me. Thank DJ Matthew Africa. He's an amazing talent with even better taste in music. His mixes are undeniably dope. And I don't even say the word dope very often. But damn, this shit is dope. It's like some of that raw uncut cocaine straight from Colombia baby. Cook it in your kitchen 'cause you know it's finger lickin'. Enjoy.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

They Tell Me I Shouldn't Be So Angry

Do you agree? Maybe I need to cheer up. It's just hard when you see so much negativity everyday. I feel the need to tell people when they're being an idiot. Maybe they don't even realize it. Or is just that they don't care? They embrace their stupidity. They console their hatred. They nurture being a shitbag like it's a precious baby boy birthed from the womb. I don't get it. I never will. So what do we do about the pedophiles? Let them do their time and get released back into the wild so that they can start scouting the playgrounds once again to molest another child? What do we do about the killers? Let them murder and then spend our hard earned tax dollars to keep them alive in prison for the rest of their lives? What do we do about the rapists? Let the system try to rehabilitate them so that they can get released and get right back to doing the same thing again? What do we do about the corrupt and backwards government, and the shady politicians, and the crooked congressman, and the dirty cops, and all the corporate greed that continues to destroy not only our economy but our wellbeing as a people every single day. Americans need work. Why are we giving it to people in other countries when we need it ourselves? We fucking need work. Do they hear us? Do they? Yes, of course they do. But they choose not to listen.

So what do we do? Do we just shrug our shoulders and walk away? Look the other direction, maybe? Something's gotta give, no? The fact is, you can't fix a sick mind. It's sick. It's tortured. It's ruined. You can't fix everything. You can't repair the damaged and morbid sickness that lives inside of these twisted human beings. They have multiple screws loose. They're done. What do we do when animals, whether wild or domesticated, flip out and bite a child? We put them down, right? Well these rapists and murderers are nothing more than sick animals. They've bitten once and they'll bite again. I hope they don't bite me. I hope they don't bite my beautiful wife. I hope they don't lay a finger on my two amazing young boys.

-- Christopher Lane Johnson

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Love Those That Love You...

... but don't let love fuck up your vision. How much love did your loved ones have when you were broke or doing time in prison? Ask yourself this: How many people do you know that you'd feel comfortable with calling at 3am when you're stranded on the side of the road with a flat tire. Those are your friends. The rest are simply people you're "cool" with. Nothing more. Sorry. Didn't mean to get you fired up for some big blog post. Fuck a blog. That shit just sounds stupid. But it's cool. I got my own website now. baby. I own the fuck outta that shit. Rejoice.

-- Christopher Lane Johnson

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What Motivates You? Does The Company You Work For Know The Answer? Probably Not. Oh, And ADHD Is Fucking Bullshit.

Interesting stuff. And although this isn't related to the video, ADHD is a myth for the most part. Maybe a minute percentage of people diagnosed with it actually have it. So don't buy into that bullshit. The real problem is that the kids aren't being stimulated mentally. They're bored. Were you bored at school? Who wasn't? Find out what the kids excel at and stimulate them accordingly. Drugs certainly aren't the answer. It's simply going to slow down their brain and make them worse in a different way. Slow them down, make them dumber. Great result, right? Get your kid off that shit and take them to a museum. Find out what they're passionate about and stimulate them. They'll end up getting a job doing what they love if you embrace their passion and provide it to them. If not they'll end up hating school and working at McDonalds. It's your choice. You have nobody to blame but yourself if your kid doesn't succeed in life. Again... for the most part.

Instructional Bar Fight Video. Bas Rutten Is Definitely A Blue Collar Gangster.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wake Up, Working Class. It Is Our Destiny To Displace The Capitalist System

I agree with pretty much everything this man has to say. If you don't, that just means you're filthy rich; or an idiot. Or a filthy rich idiot.

Karl Marx said it was the destiny of the working class to displace the capitalist system, with the dictatorship of the proletariat, abolishing the social relationships underpinning the class system and then developing into a future communist society in which "the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all." In Capital, Marx dissected the ways in which capital can forestall such a revolutionary extension of the Enlightenment. Some issues in Marxist arguments about working class membership have included:
  • The class status of people in a temporary or permanent position of unemployment.
  • The class status of domestic labor, particularly the children (see child labor), and also traditionally the wives of male workers, as some spouses do not themselves work in paying jobs outside the home.
  • Whether workers can be considered working class if they own personal property or small amounts of stock ownership.
  • The relationships among peasants, rural smallholders, and the working class.
  • The extent to which non-class group identities and politics (race, gender, et al.) can obviate or substitute for working class membership in Enlightenment projects, where working class membership is prohibitively contradictory or obfuscated.
Some answers to some of these issues, as argued, analyzed, and formulated over the centuries, are:
  • Unemployed workers are proletariat.
  • Class for dependents is determined by the primary income earner.
  • Personal property is clearly different from private property. For example, the proletariat can own houses; this is personal property.
  • The self-employed worker may be a member of the petite bourgeoisie (for example a highly paid professional, athlete, etc.), or a member of the proletariat (for example, a contract worker whose income may be relatively high but is precarious).
  • Students' class status depends on that of their family, and also on whether they remain financially dependent on them.
  • Race, gender and class are overlapping social stratification categories. It is possible for capitalists to strategically substitute the members of race, class, and gender groups to attain capitalist objectives; but once these stratification categories are formed and deployed, membership balkanizes experiences and interests.
In general, in Marxist terms, wage laborers and those dependent on the welfare state are working class, and those who live on accumulated capital and/or exploit the labor of others are not. This broad dichotomy defines the class struggle. Different groups and individuals may at any given time be on one side or the other. For example, retired factory workers are working class in the popular sense; but to the extent that they live off fixed incomes, financed by stock in corporations whose earnings are profit extracted from current workers, retired factory workers' interests, and possibly their identities and politics, are not working class. Such contradictions of interests and identity within individuals' lives and within communities can effectively undermine the ability of the working class to act in solidarity to reduce exploitation, inequality, and the role of ownership in determining people's life chances, work conditions, and political power.

The position of core capitalists is not nearly as contradictory within a capitalist system. Capitalists get their income, wealth, status, and power from owning the means of production, and they will have it managed for their own aggrandizement. From the capitalist perspective, it would be silly to manage production (or build political resources that could influence economic relationships) for the benefit of workers. To the extent that workers sometimes benefit in some ways from capitalism, it is not a central goal, but a byproduct. Thus, operating with less class interest contradiction and less identity contradiction, and more resources for political coordination, capitalist class members can often coordinate and prosecute their interests with a great deal of efficacy, over and against workers.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Democrats & republicans: Bloods & crips.

That's all it is. As long as this is the way it's gonna be this country is fucked. It's war. Every single fucking day it's war. Nobody is right. Nobody is wrong. Fuck that. Everybody is wrong. Why does it take someone like me to stand up and point out such obvious bullshit? Am I smarter than the entire world? No, not at all. I didn't go to M.I.T., did I? So I can't be that smart, right?

Where does that leave us? How do we fix this enormous problem? How do we get rid of the two party system? Do we give up and walk away because that's the way it has been for centuries? Do we turn our cheek and head in the other direction while the world continues to go to shit? I mean, if we have to vote for a Blood or a crip I guess the only intelligent thing to do would be to vote for the candidate that has your best interests at heart. But do politicians even have hearts? Of course not, but we have to vote for someone, right? Because what's the alternative? Let other people decide our fate? That wouldn't be very smart. So I guess we have to vote Democrat for now. Republicans are so disgustingly rich and out of touch with anything and everything in reality that they certainly don't have your best interests at heart. Realistically, if you can't afford to buy a Rolls Royce they want nothing to do with you. They simply want to get richer. And richer. And richer. In other words, if you're middle class or lower class and you vote republican you're simply uninformed. Sorry to be so harsh {no I'm not}, but wake the fuck up. And I don't mean to single out republicans, because a lot of Democrats aren't to be trusted either. And a lot of the judicial system isn't to be trusted. And the police force is corrupt as all hell. And the government and congress, and just people in general aren't to be trusted. Shit, even your friends and family members don't always have your best interest at heart. But that's for you to figure out on your own. I have great friends and family, so I'm lucky. But we aren't all that lucky.

Here's a graph in case you're tired of reading:

Where do you fit on the graph? Where does your family fit? Where do your friends fit? Does this make sense to you? Does it make sense that the billionaires and millionaires of this country pay a lower percentage on their taxes than you do? Does that make you mad at all? No, you say? You're stupid as fuck then. 2.5% of this country is upper class according to this graph. But here's some more factual evidence to back up what I'm saying: Only 6% of Americans make more than $97,000 a year. For an entire household that would put you in the top 20%. Pretty good. But not great, right? Especially living in San Diego. Or San Francisco. Or New York. Or wherever else it's nearly impossible to live but you do it anyway. The bottom line is that you need to know where you fit in this country. Know that you're most likely middle class to lower class. If you're part of the upper class and you make $150,000 a year and you earned that shit the hard way, then good for you. If you earned it you deserve it. But share with the less fortunate. Don't be a scumbag. Or be a scumbag and I'll come take all of your money and give it to someone that's not a douchebag like yourself. Once you know your role you can do big things in life. Vote for people that care about you. Let's change this world. Who's in? Anyone? Nobody? C'mon, people. Let me know what's up. Let me know how you wanna help out, or let me know how you're already helping out. Let's make life good for everyone.

Now it's time to attack the trust fund shit heads. Or just arrogant, entitled, fuck bags. If you feel entitled to any and everything, you're worthless. You're not entitled to shit unless you earn it. Do you know what hard work is? I didn't think so. What are you Harvard grads doing to change this world? Nothing? Fuck you then, pal. Fuck you and that damn oversized horse you rode in on. Yeah, the one your mom paid for you piece of shit. You're worthless. Not worth a dime. Do something with your money. Do something with your family's money. The money you did absolutely nothing to earn, dick. Fuck a silver spoon. You had a golden spoon since birth. What are you going to do to make your life worthwhile? Anything? Nothing? Prove me wrong. Or don't. Get offended. If you're offended that's terrific. That means I'm staring you in the damn eyes and chastising you in a very offensive manner. That's how it should be. I intend everything I say. No pussyfooting here, bud. Do something productive.


-- Time To Learn

Close Your Eyes. Listen. Stop Looking. Listen.

One of the most beautiful songs ever written. One of the most beautiful songs ever sung. One of the most beautiful songs ever... Period.

-- Andy Tubman

Most Important Rapper Right Now? Yes.

Please don't ignore this. Do yourself a huge favor and learn about this man. Download 'Reports From The Field: In The Trenches': FREE Download

Seriously. Don't be stupid.

Here's a video from the album. It's called Pretty Sickness.

Friday, March 2, 2012

More Free Stuff From I Self Devine

Here he discusses his second free EP, 'The Upliftment Struggle.' Copy and paste this link to your browser to download the EP, again, for FREE:

And here's the video for his lead song from the EP. It's called 'Up Aboves.'

-- Watch And Learn