It's okay, you're simply part of the enormous demographic of men that play fantasy football every year. I used to love football season, but now it's a little less exciting and that bums me out. Most of the reason for this is because anyone that plays fantasy football becomes obsessed with it and seems to be all they're capable of talking about for the next 17 weeks or so. They say if you can't beat 'em join 'em, but I don't think I'll ever be able to make the switch and become something that I loathe. I refuse to be the "I knew I should've started Turner instead of Peterson" guy. No matter what there's always something they should've done better to make their team score more points but at the last minute they made a costly error in judgement. And everyone thinks they know something about football all of the sudden. Even if they just moved to America six months ago and can't tell you what a safety is (the position or the play).
In closing, I'm proud to be part of the 1%. I'll keep my head held high while the rest of you dicks occupy the shit out of the work computer and incessantly talk about how funny your fantasy team's name is gonna be when you change it for the upcoming Sunday.
-- Gangster of Love